Sunday, 15 November 2020

Losing the plot. Friday 13th 2020

  Here we are again in a lockdown meant to stop the spread of the corona virous. Is it working? It doesn’t seem to be,looking at the daily increase and now we have passed the 50,000 deaths!

I write this because I feel in limbo. Life has little meaning and little to look forward to. Perhaps we will get a jab before Christmas and at 84 I am said to be in the first wave,but Judith my wife will have to wait being as she is 7 years younger than me. I haven’t painted anything of note this year .I am lacking in motivation. The whole lockdown rules this second time are simply ludicrous.

I can’t invite any of my family into our house or into the garden. However our cleaner can come and today the chap came to service the alarm system. On Tuesday I should have gone to my podiatrist but I didn’t because in the previous lockdown I couldn’t but this time apparently I can? Did I know? How would I ? 

I am missing playing golf which had started again. Fresh air and exercise and companionship but that has been stopped, however I can walk in the park with one other outside of our bubble ( just Judith and me) can join us. So in the park yesterday a lot were walking and stopping to buy coffee in the cafe there and then taking time to drink and talk seated on a park bench. However you can’t have a drink or a meal in pub or restaurant. And attendance at Mass has been stopped and that and a meal in a restaurant had been possible before this lockdown with the measures to keep 2 metres distance and constant cleaning and air flow and masks which gave a great deal of confidence. I have been confused and infuriated by the lack of sense and clear guidance. So I have lost the plot in these dark winter days. Sleeping, reading and phone calls are order of these dark days. Hopefully I will not contract the disease, but one grandson and one son in law have.

I am putting this blog out as a piece of social history. 2020 will be a pandemic which has seen poor leadership from Boris Johnson and the tory government.